Department of Biomedical Engineering National Taiwan University


施博仁 Po-Jen Shih

A. 期刊論文 (Journal Paper) (*:corresponding author)

  1. Po-Jen Shih, Shih-Wei Wang, and Shun-Chiu Lin, An open-chip for three-dimensional rotation and translation of particle based on dielectrophoresis, Multiscale Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s42493-018-00011-z (2019) (published on line, Corresponding Author: Po-Jen Shih).
  2. Yu-Ping Lee, Hsih-Yu Liu, Po-Chun Lin, Yi-Huand Lee, Leng-Rong Yu, Chih-Chen Hsieh, Po-Jen Shih, Wen-Pin Shih, I-Jong Wang, Jia-Yush Yen, and Chi-An Dai, Facile fabrication of superporous and biocompatible hydrogel scaffolds for artificical periphery, Coolids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 175, 26-35 (2018) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Chi-An Dai).
  3. Po-Jen Shih, I-Jong Wang*, Wen-Feng Cai, and Jia-Yush Yen, Biomechanical simulation of stress concentration and intraocular pressure in corneas subjected to myopic refractive surgical procedures, Scientific Reports, 7, 13906 (2017) (SCI, Corresponding Author: I-Jong Wang).
  4. Po-Jen Shih, Chun-Ju Huang, Tzu-Han Huang, Hung-Chou Lin, Jia-Yush Yen*, I-Jong Wang, Hui-Jyun Cao, Wen-Pin Shih, and Chi-An Dai, Estimation of the corneal Young’s modulus in vivo based on a fluid-filled spherical shell model with scheimpflug imaging, Journal of Ophthalmology, 5410143 (2017) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Jia-Yush Yen).
  5. Jia-Yush Yen*, I-Jong Wang, Po-Jen Shih, and Hui-Jyun Tsao, On the in vivo estimation of the corneal Young’s modulus, JOJ Ophthalmology, 5 (4), 1-8 (2017) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Jia-Yush Yen).
  6. Hua-Ju Shih, Ching_Liang Dai, and Po-Jen Shih*, Tip pressure on semicircular specimens in tapping mode atomic force microscopy in viscous fluid environments, Sensors, 17, 2182 (2017) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Po-Jen Shih).
  7. Jian-Zhi Tsen, Po-Jen Shih, Cheng-Chih Hsu, and Ching-Liang Dai*, A Three-axis magnetic field microsensor fabricated utilizing a CMOS process, Applied Sciences, 7, 1289 (2017) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Ching-Liang Dai).
  8. Tai-Shen Yang, Po-Jen Shih, Jyh-Jone Lee*, Design of a spatial compliant translational joint, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 107, pp. 338-350 (2017) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Jyh-Jone Lee).
  9. Po-Jen Shih* and Yi-Ren Guo, Resonance frequency of fluid-filled and prestressed spherical shell—A model of the human eyeball, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 139(4), pp. 1784-1792 (2016) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Po-Jen Shih).
  10. Jie-Min Wu, Po-Jen Shih , Jyh-Jone Lee*, Design Optimization of a Compliant Revolute Joint, Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 37(1), pp. 39-45 (2016) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Jyh-Jone Lee).
  11. Shih-Wen Peng, Po-Jen Shih, and Ching-Liang Dai*, Manufacturing and Characterization of a Thermoelectric Energy Harvester Using the CMOS-MEMS Technology, Micromachines, Vol. 6, pp. 1560-1568 (2015) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Ching-Liang Dai).
  12. Po-Jen Shih , Huei-Jyun Cao, Chun-Ju Huang, I-Jong Wang, Wen-Pin Shih, and Jia-Yush Yen*, A corneal elastic dynamic model derived from Scheimpflug imaging technology, Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics, Vol. 35(6), pp. 663-672 (2015) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Jia-Yush Yen
  13. Hua-Ju Shih and Po-Jen Shih* , Tip Effect of the Tapping Mode of Atomic Force Microscope in Viscous Fluid Environments, Sensors, Vol. 15, pp. 18381-18401 (2015) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Po-Jen Shih).
  14. P.-S. Xie and P.-J. Shih*, A unique formulation of piecewise exact method to analyze a nonlinear spring system under harmonic excitation, Journal of Mechanics, Vol. 31(3), pp. 337-344 (2014) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Po-Jen Shih).
  15. Ming-Zhi Yang, Ching-Liang Dai*, and Po-Jen Shih, An Acetone Microsensor with a Ring Oscillator Circuit Fabricated Using the Commercial 0.18 μm CMOS Process, Sensors, Vol. 14, pp. 12735-12747 (2014) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Ching-Liang Dai).
  16. Po-Jen Shih*, Frequency function in atomic force microscopy applied to a liquid environment, Sensors, Vol. 14, pp. 9369-9379 (2014) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Po-Jen Shih).
  17. Cheng-Chun Huang, Ming-Dao Wu, Dao Liang, Jiashing Yu, Po-Jen Shih , and Wen-Pin Shih*, Fabrication and application of iron(III)-oxide nanoparticle/polydimethylsiloxane composite cone in microfluidic channels, Journal of Nanomaterials, Vol. 2012, ID 986454 (2012) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Wen-Pin Shih).
  18. Po-Jen Shih*, Tip-Jump Response of an Amplitude-Modulated Atomic Force Microscope, Sensors, Vol. 12, pp. 6666-6684 (2012) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Po-Jen Shih).
  19. Po-Jen Shih*, Tsung-Jen Teng, and Chau-Shioung Yeh, Fourier Expansion to Elastic Vector Wave Functions and Applications of Wave Bases to Scattering in Half-Space, Journal of Mechanics, 28(1), pp. 19-39 (2012) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Po-Jen Shih).
  20. Po-Jen Shih* and Tsung-Jen Teng, Transition Matrix Method for Determining Stress Distribution of an Inhomogeneity in Elastostatic Medium, Journal of Elasticity, Vol. 109(2), pp. 135-151 (2012) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Po-Jen Shih).
  21. Ming-Zhi Yang, Ching-Liang Dai*, Po-Jen Shih, Zung-You Tsai, Capacitive RF switches manufactured by the CMOS–MEMS technique, Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 88(8), pp. 2242-2246 (2011) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Ching-Liang Dai).
  22. Ming-Zhi Yang, Ching-Liang Dai*, Po-Jen Shih, Yen-Chi Chen, Cobalt oxide nanosheet humidity sensor integrated with circuit on chip, Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 88(8), pp.1742-1744 (2011) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Ching-Liang Dai).
  23. Po-Jen Shih* and Wen-Pin Shih, Design, fabrication, and application of bio-implantable acoustic power transmission, Journal of Microelectromechanical System, Vol. 19 (3), pp. 494-502 (2010) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Po-Jen Shih).
  24. Pin-Hsu Kao, Po-Jen Shih , Ching-Liang Dai*, and Mao-Chen Liu, Fabrication and characterization of CMOS-MEMS thermoelectric micro generators, Sensors, Vol. 10(2), 1315-1325 (2010) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Ching-Liang Dai).
  25. Po-Jen Shih, and Wen-Pin Shih*, Impact dynamics of vibratory microprobe for microcoordinate measurement, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 101, 113516 (2007) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Wen-Pin Shih).
  26. Chau-Shioung Yeh*, Tsung-Jen Teng, and Po-Jen Shih, On formulation of a transition matrix for poroelastic medium and application to analysis of scattering problem, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 116(2), pp. 655-676 (2004) (SCI, Corresponding Author: Chau-Shioung Yeh).

B. 研討會論文(Conference Paper)

  1. Shadie Hatamie *, Po-Jen Shih *, Bo-Wei Chen, I-Jong Wang, Tai-Horng Young, Da-Jeng Yao (2020, Dec). Synergic Effect of Novel WS2 Carriers Holding Spherical Cobalt Ferrite @cubic Fe3O4 (WS2/s-CoFe2O4@c-Fe3O4) Nanocomposites in Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Photothermal Therapy for Ocular Treatments and Investigation of Corneal Endothelial Cell Migration. Nanomaterials, 10(12), 2555.
  2. Wei-Ren Chen, Yao-Chuan Tsai, Po-Jen Shih, Cheng-Chih Hsu, and Ching-Liang Dai (2020, Aug). Magnetic Micro Sensors with Two Magnetic Field Effect Transistors Fabricated Using the Commercial Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Process. Sensors, 20, 4731.
  3. Shadie Hatamie, Po‐Jen Shih, Mahsa Soufi Zomorod, Pooyan Heravi, Mohammad Mahdi Ahadian, Niloofar Hatami (2020, Jan). Hyperthermia response of PEGylated magnetic graphene nanocomposites for heating applications and accelerate antibacterial activity using magnetic fluid hyperthermia. Applied Physics A, 2020: 126-276.
  4. Wei-Chun Shen, Po-Jen Shih, Yao-Chuan Tasi, Cheng-Chih Hsu, and Ching- Liang Dai (2020, Jan). Low-concentration ammonia gas sensors Manufactured using the CMOS-MEMS technique. Micromachines, 11(1) 92.
  5. Wei-Ting Ho,Jung-Shen Chang, San-Fang Chou, Wei-Lun Hwang, Po-Jen Shih, Shu-Wen Chang, Muh-Hwa Yang, Tzuu-Shuh Jou, I-Jong Wang (2019, Sep). Targeting non-muscle myosin II promotes corneal endothelial migration through regulating lamellipodial dynamics. Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2019, Volume 97, Issue 9, pp 1345–1357.
  6. Wnag-Lin Lee, Po-Jen Shih, Cheng-Chih Hsu, Ching-Liang Dai (2019, Sep). Fabrication and Characterization of Flexible Thermoelectric Generators Using Micromachining and Electroplating Techniques. Micromachines, 10(10), 660.
  7. Yu-Ping Lee, Hsin-Yu Liu, Po-Chun Lin, Yi-Huan Lee, Leng-RongYu, Chih- Chen Hsieh, Po-Jen Shih, Wen-Pin Shih, I-Jong Wang, Jia-Yush Yen, Chi-An Dai (2019, Mar). Facile Fabrication of Superporous and Biocompatible Hydrogel Scaffolds for Artificial Corneal Periphery. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 175(1), 26-35.
  8. Chia-Yu Chang, Zhi-Xuan Dai, Shadie Hatamie, I-Jong Wang, Po-Jen Shih, Kuang-Wu Chou (2020, Nov). Cell model for migration and force interaction. The 17th International Conference on Automation Technology, Hualien, Taiwan.
  9. Po-Jen Shih and Li-Li Wang (2019, Dec). Corneal waveform analysis on keratoconus through machine learning. Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM), Taipei.
  10. Chia-Yu Chang, Zhi-Xuan Dai, Po-Jen Shih (2019, Nov). Cell tensegrity model and its dynamic strength. The 16yh International Conference on Automation Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
  11. Po-Jen Shih, I-Jong Wang, Jia-Yush Yen (2019, Aug). Corneal oscillation and its modal analysis. The 9th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Taipei.
  12. Shan-Chien Cheng Hsuan-Chi Sung Po-Jen Shih Jia-Yush Yen Wen-Pin Shih (2018, Dec). Corneal stress measured by application of photoelasticity. Automation 2018.
  13. Yen-Ting Chen, Shan-Chien Cheng, Wen-Pin Shih, and Po-Jen Shih*, Corneal displacement and intraocular pressure difference when eyes are rubbed. Automation 2017, Kaohsiung (2017, Dec).
  14. Po-Jen Shih* and Shih-Wei Wang. A functional buffer with traveling wave dielectroporesis to overturn specimen, Advances in Functional Materials (AFM) 2017 in California (UCLA; 2017, Aug.)
  15. Po-Jen Shih* and I-Jong Wang, Stress analysis on cornea by applying finite element method. Second Computational Mechanics Conference in Taiwan, Taipei (2016, Oct).
  16. Shao-Jie Wu, Wen-Pin Shih, and Po-Jen Shih*. Resonance frequency of eyes in skull. Second Computational Mechanics Conference in Taiwan (2016, Oct.)
  17. Yen-Ting Chen, Wen-Pin Shih, and Po-Jen Shih* Analysis on corneal deformation by subjecting surface traction. Second Computational Mechanics Conference in Taiwan, Taipei (2016, Oct).
  18. Po-Jen Shih* and Shih-Wei Wang, A three dimensional model of traveling wave dielectrophoresis, Proceedings of the 1th International Conference on Engineering and Science, Yilan, Taiwan (2016, July).
  19. Po-Jen Shih*, Ching-Liang Dai, and Kuang-Wu Chou. A method to measure natural frequency of a spherical specimen in liquid environment by applying Atomic Force Microscope. International Conference of Engineering and Information, Osaka, Japan (2016, May).
  20. Kuang-Wu Chou, Chang-Wei Huang, and Po-Jen Shih*. Static Stress/Strain Properties for Human Cornea by Applying the Eyelid Diaton Tonometer. First Computational Mechanics Conference in Taiwan, Taipei (2015, Oct).
  21. Po-Jen Shih*, Chun-Ju Huang, I-Jong Wang, Wen-Pin Shih, Jia-Yush Yen, Huei-Jyun Cao. A Corneal Model for Estimation Young’s Moduli by Using Ultra-high-speed Scheimpflug Imaging Technology. First Computational Mechanics Conference in Taiwan, Taipei (2015, Oct).
  22. Po-Jen Shih*, Hua-Ju Shih, Wen-Pin Shih, and Ching-Liang Dai. Extra pressure to specimen during scanning atomic force microscope in fluid environment. International Research Conference on Engineering and Technology, Bangkok, Thailand (2015, Jun).
  23. Po-Jen Shih*, Peter I-Tsyuen Chang, Wen-Pin Shih, Ching-Liang Dai. Frequency Function of Noncontact AFM in Liquid Environment. NC-AFM 2014 Conference, Tsukuba, Japan (2014, Aug).
  24. Po-Jen Shih* and Shang-Hao Cai, Frequency Response of Carbon Nanotube Probes during Tapping Mode of Atomic Force Microscopy. International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials, and Manufacturing,Hong Kong (2014, Aug).
  25. W. S. Shyu*, M. H. Tsai, J. K. Lu, and P. J. Shih. Response of SDOF systems located near and on ellipitical alluvial Basins under incident plane SH waves in frequency domain. The 4th Asia-Pacific Young Researchers and Graduates Symposium, Hong Kong (2012, Dec).
  26. Po-Jen Shih*, Meng-Cheng Ho. Modified steepest descent path method in solving Weyl integration representation of vector wave bases. Proceedings of the Internoise 2012/ASME NCAD meeting (2012, Aug).
  27. Po-Jen Shih*, Tsung-Jen Teng, and Chau-Shioung Yeh. Wave scattering in poroelastic half-space. Third International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM III), Taipei, Taiwan (2011, Dec).
  28. Ming-Chang Shih*, W. K. Ting, C. C. Hou, P. H. Chen, S. W. Yei, P.-J. Shih, Fiber Bragg Grating Wavelength Interrogation System and Its Application in Real Time Vibration Sensing, ICMAT 2011 International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, Singapore, Jun. 26-July. 1, 2011.
  29. Po-Jen Shih*, Tsung-Jen Teng, Win-Shin Shyu, and Chau-Shiougn Yeh, Application of steepest descent path method to Lamb’s solutions for scattering in thermoelastic half-plane,” IUTAM Symposium on Dynamics Modeling and Interaction Control in Virtual and Real Environments, Budapest, Hungary (2010, June).

C. 專書及專書論文(Books and chapter in Book)

  1. Po-Jen Shih, 2018, Mechanics in Nano Technology / U Lei Ed.; chapter 3 Atomic force microscopy and classical continuous beam, National Taiwan University Press

D. 專利(Patents)

  1. 顏家鈺、王一中、施博仁、黃俊儒、黃紫涵,CORNEAL YOUNG'S MODULUS ALGORITHM AND SYSTEM USING THE SAME,美國專利 (US 10,332,636 B2 )。
  2. 顏家鈺、施博仁、黃俊儒、曹慧君,Corneal Dynamic Model Algorithm and System Using the Same,美國專利 (US 10,394,928 B2)
  3. 施文彬、蔡燿全、張鐸儒、操禮齊、吳明道、施博仁, 具有高真球度之自對準探針及其製造方法, 中華民國發明專利(I369578), 2012年8月1日。
  4. Wen-Pin Shih, Yao-Chuan Tsai, Duo-Ru Chang, Li-Chi Tsao, Ming-Dao Wu, and Po-Jen Shih, Self-aligned stylus with high-sphericity and method of manufacturing the same, USA patent, No. 8240057 B2, 2012,08,01.
  5. 施文彬、施博仁、顏家鈺、王一中,聲波眼壓偵測裝置及其方法, 中華民國發明專利(I603708), 2017年11月1日。
  6. 顏家鈺、王一中、施博仁、黃俊儒、黃紫涵,眼角膜楊氏模數演算方法及使用其之量測系統,中華民國發明專利(I569224) , 2017年2月1日。
  7. 顏家鈺、施博仁、黃俊儒、曹慧君,眼角膜動態模型演算方法及使用其之量測系統,中華民國發明專利(I594724),2017年8月11日。
  8. Wen-Pin Shih, Po-Jen Shih, Jia-Yush Yen, I-Jong Wang, Acoustic wave intraocular pressure detecting device and method thereor, US patent no: US 10,194,886 B2 (2019, 02, 05)