Department of Biomedical Engineering National Taiwan University


趙本秀 Pen-hsiu Grace Chao

A. 期刊論文 (Journal Paper) (*:corresponding author)

  1. Chang CW, Lee JH, Chao PG (2020), Chemical Optimization for Functional Ligament Tissue Engineering, Tissue Engineering Part A, 26, 102-110.
  2. Bonnevie ED, Gullbrand SE, Ashinsky BG, Tsinman TK, Elliott DM, Chao PG, Smith HE, Mauck RL (2019), Aberrant mechanosensing in injured intervertebral discs as a result of boundary-constraint disruption and residual-strain loss, Nature Biomedical Engineering 3, 998-1008.
  3. Wu CY, Guan ZY, Lin PC, Chen ST, Lin PK, Chen PC, Chao PG, and Chen HY (2019). Defined cell adhesion for silicon-based implant materials by using vapor-deposited functional coatings. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 175, 545-553.
  4. Szczesny SE, Driscoll TP, Tseng HY, Liu PC, Heo SJ, Mauck RL, Chao PG (2017). Crimped nanofibrous biomaterials mimic microstructure and mechanics of native tissue and alter strain transfer to cells. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 3(11):2869-2876.
  5. Lin BJ, Tsao SH, Chen A, Hu SK, Chao L, Chao PG (2017). Lipid Rafts Sense and Direct Electric Field-induced Migration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 114(32):8568-8573.
  6. Yuan X, Wei Y, Villasante A, Ng J,Arkonac DE, Chao PG, Vunjak-Novakovic G (2017). Stem cell delivery in tissue-specific hydrogel enabled meniscal repair in an orthotopic rat model. Biomaterials, 132:59-71
  7. Yuan X, Eng GM, Arkonac DE, Chao PG, Vunjak-Novakovic G (2015). Endothelial cells enhance migration of meniscus cells. Arthritis & Rheumatology, 67:182-192.
  8. Yodmuang S, McNamara SL, Nover AB, Mandal BB, Agarwal M, Kelly TN, Chao PG, Hung CT, Kaplan DL, and Vunjak-Novakovic G (2015). Silk microfiber-reinforced silk hydrogel composites for functional cartilage tissue repair. Acta Biomaterialia;11:27-36.
  9. Chao PG, Sheng SC, Chang WR (2014). Micro-composite Substrates for the Study of Cell-Matrix Mechanical Interactions. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 38:232-241.
  10. Chao PG, Hsu HY, Tseng HY (2014). Electrospun Microcrimped Fibers with Nonlinear Mechanical Properties Enhance Ligament Fibroblast Phenotype. Biofabrication, 6:035008.
  11. Kuo YW, Hsu YC, Chuang IT, Chao PG, Wang JL (2014). Spinal Traction Promotes Molecular Transportation in a Simulated Degenerative Intervertebral Disc Model. Spine Journal; in press.
  12. Chao PG, Sheng SC, Chang WR (2014). Micro-composite Substrates for the Study of Cell-Matrix Mechanical Interactions. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials; in press.
  13. Yuan X, Arkonac DE, Chao PG, Vunjak-Novakovic G (2014). Electrical stimulation enhances cell migration and integrative repair in the meniscus. Scientific Reports; 4:3674.
  14. Wang PY, Wu TH, Chao PG*, Kuo WH, Wang MJ, Hsu CC and Tsai WB (2013). Modulation of cell attachment and collagen production of anterior cruciate ligament cells via submicron grooves/ridges structures with different cell affinity. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 110(1), 327-337.
  15. Tsai CH, Lin BJ, and Chao PG* (2013). α2β1 Integrin and RhoA Mediates Electric Field-Induced Ligament Fibroblast Migration Directionality. Journal of Orthopaedic Research; 31(2):322-327.
  16. Feng CH, Cheng YC, Chao PG* (2013). The Influence and Interactions of Substrate Thickness, Organization and Dimensionality on Cell Morphology and Migration. Acta Biomaterialia; 9(3): 5502–5510.
  17. Yodmuang S, Gadjanski I, Chao PG*, Vunjak-Novakovic G (2013). Transient hypoxia improves matrix properties in tissue engineered cartilage. Journal of Orthopaedic Research; 31(4): 544-553.
  18. Liao CS, Zhuo ZY, Yu JY, Tzeng YY, Chu SW, Yu SF, and Chao PG (2011). Decrimping: The first stage of collagen thermal denaturation unraveled by in situ second-harmonic-generation imaging, Applied Physics Letters, 98(15): 153703.
  19. Chao PG, Yodmuang S, Wang X, Sun L, Kaplan DL, and Vunjak-Novakovic G (2010). Silk Hydrogel for Functional Cartilage Tissue Engineering, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B, 95B(1), 84-90.
  20. Grayson WL, Bhumiratana S, Chao PG, Hung CT, and Vunjak-Novakovic G (2010). Spatial Regulation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation in Engineered Osteochondral Constructs: Effects of Pre-differentiation, Soluble Factors and Medium Perfusion, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 18(5), 714-723.
  21. Tandon N, Canizzaro C, Chao PG, Maidhof R, Marsano A, Au HTH, Radisic M, Vunjak-Novakovic G (2009). Electrical Stimulation for Engineering Cardiac and Orthopaedic Tissue. Nature Protocols, 4, 155-173.
  22. Oswald ES, Chao PG, Bulinski JC, Ateshian GA, and Hung CT (2008). Dependence of Zonal Chondrocyte Water Transport Properties on Osmotic Environment. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering 1, 339-348.
  23. Lima EG, Chao PG, Ateshian GA, Bal BS, Cook JL, Vunjak-Novakovic G and Hung CT (2008). The effect of devitalized trabecular bone on the formation of osteochondral tissue-engineered constructs. Biomaterials 29, 4292-4299.
  24. Grayson WL, Bhumiratana S, Cannizzaro C, Chao PG, Lennon DP, Caplan AI and Vunjak-Novakovic G (2008). Effects of Initial Seeding Density and Fluid Perfusion Rate on Formation of Tissue-Engineered Bone. Tissue Engineering Part A 14, 1809-1820.
  25. Grayson WL, Chao PG, Marolt D, Kaplan DL, and Vunjak-Novakovic G (2008). Engineering Custom-Designed Osteochondral Tissue Grafts, Trends in Biotechnology 26:181-189.
  26. Chao PG, Grayson WG, Vunjak-Novakovic G (2007). Engineering Cartilage and Bone using Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Journal of Orthopaedic Science 12(4):398-404.
  27. Finkelstein E, Chao PG, Hung CT, and Bulinski JC (2007). Electric Field-Induced Polarization of Charged Cell Surface Proteins Does Not Determine the Direction of Galvanotaxis, Cell Motility and Cytoskeleton 64:833-846.
  28. Chao PG, Nicoll SB, Bulinski JC, Lu HH and Hung CT (2007). Effects of Applied DC Electric Field on Ligament Fibroblast Migration and Wound Healing (Cover Story). Connective Tissue Research, 48(4):188-197.
  29. Chao PG, West AC, and Hung CT (2006). Chondrocyte Intracellular Calcium, Cytoskeletal Organization and Gene Expression Responses to Dynamic Osmotic Loading, American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, 291:C718-725.
  30. Chao PG, Tang Z, Angelini E, West AC, Costa KD, Hung CT (2005). Dynamic Osmotic Loading of Cells Using a Novel Microfluidic Device. Journal of Biomechanics, 38, 1273-1281.
  31. Finkelstein E, Chang W, Chao PG, Gruber D, Minden A, Hung CT, and Bulinski JC (2004). Roles of Microtubules, Cell Polarity, and Adhesion in Electric Field-Mediated Motility of NIH 3T3 Fibroblasts. Journal of Cell Science, 117(8), 1533-45.
  32. Hung CT, Palmer GD, LeRoux MA, Chao PG, Lo S, and Valhmu WB (2003). Disparate Aggrecan Gene Expression in Chondrocytes Subjected to Hypotonic and Hypertonic Loading in 2D and 3D Cultures. Biorheology, 40(1-3), 61-72.
  33. Palmer GD, Chao PG, Raia F, Mauck RL, Valhmu WB, and Hung CT (2001). Time-dependent Aggrecan Gene Expression of Articular Chondrocytes in Response to Hyperosmotic Loading. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 9 (8): 761-770.
  34. Mauck RL, Soltz MA, Wang CCB, Wong DD, Chao PG, Valhmu WB, Hung CT, and Ateshian GA (2000). Functional Tissue Engineering of Articular Cartilage through Dynamic Loading of Chondrocyte-Seeded Agarose Gel. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 122, 252-260.
  35. Chao PG, Roy R, Mauck RL, Liu W, Valhmu WB, and Hung CT (2000). Chondrocyte Translocation Response to Direct Currect Electric Field. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 122, 261-267.
  36. Hung CT, Henshaw RD, Wang CC, Mauck RL, Chao PG, Mow VC, Ratcliffe A, and Valhmu WB (2000). Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Signaling in Bovine Articular Chondrocytes in Response to Fluid Flow Does Not Require Calcium Mobilization. Journal of Biomechanics. 33(1): 73-80.

B. 研討會論文(Conference Paper)

  1. Huang BL, Chao PG (2020). Wavy Morphology Mediates Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Phenotype through Myosin, in Cell Bio Virtual 2020.
  2. Huang BL, Chao PG (2020). Wavy Morphology Mediates Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Phenotype, in SB3C2020, virtual conference.
  3. Chao PG, Huang BL, Wu ON (2019). Myosin-independent Regulation of Wavy Cell Structure and Nuclear Strain Transfer, ICBME, Singapore
  4. Huang BL, Huang CH, Assoian RK, Chao PG (2019). Myosin-independent Regulation of Cell and Nuclear Structures in Wavy Patterns, SB3C, Seven Springs, PA.
  5. Liao WL, Chao PG (2019). Functional Ligament Tissue Engineering with Crimp Fibrous Scaffolds, Trans ORS, Austin, TX.
  6. Wu O, Chao PG (2018). Nuclear Strain Attenuation in Wavy Cells. World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland
  7. Chang CW, Chao PG (2018). Collagen Enhances Cell Infiltration in Dense Fibrous Scaffold. New Orleans, LA.
  8. Lin BJ, Tsao SH, Chao PG (2018). Lipid Rafts Sense and Direct Electric Field-induced Migration. BMES-CMBE, Key Largo, FL.
  9. Lin BJ, Tsao SH, Chen A, Hu SK, Chao L, Chao PG (2017). Electric Fields Coalesce Lipid Raft and Caveolin to Direct Cell Migration. ASCB, Philadelphia, PA.
  10. Wen WC, Chao PG (2017). Anisotropic YAP mechanotransduction. SB3C, Tucson, AZ.
  11. Wen SM, Chao PG (2017). Myosin mediates anisotropic mechanosensing. SB3C, Tucson, AZ.
  12. Lee JH, Chao PG (2017). Electrospinning with Porogen in Tissue Engineered Constructs. Trans ORS 42; San Diego, CA.
  13. Fu KJ, Chao PG (2017). Wavy Structures Change Nuclear Shape and Mechanotransduction. BMES-CMBE, Big Island, HI.
  14. Liu PC, Chao PG (2016). Simulation of Native Tissue Mechanics by Welding of Electrospun Fibers, TERMIS-AP; Taipei, Taiwan.
  15. Szczesny SE, Liu PC, Driscoll TP, Mauck RL, Chao PG (2016). Engineered Nanofiber Crimp Alters Scaffold Mechanics and Mesenchymal Stem Cell Mechanotransduction, Trans ORS 41; Orlando FL, in press.
  16. Chang HY, Chao PG (2015). Effects of Dynamic Stretch on Caveolin Phosphorylation and Focal Adhesion Dynamics, ASCB; San Diego, CA.
  17. Fu KJ, Chao PG (2015). Wavy Cells Control Nuclear Morphology through Actin Network, ASCB; San Diego, CA.
  18. Wen SM, Chao PG (2015). Role of Cell Tension on Anisotropic Mechanosensing. SB3C, Snowbird, UT.
  19. Tsao SH, Chao PG (2015). Role of Src in Electric Field-induced Directed Cell Migration. SB3C, Snowbird, UT.
  20. Tsao SH, Lin BJ, Chao PG (2015). Lipid Raft and caviolin-1 Polarization Guide Fibroblast Directional Migration in Electric Field. Trans ORS 40; Las Vegas, NV, 503.
  21. Chen CA, Chao PG (2015). Differential Mechanical Regulation of Nuclear Morphology in Wavy Structures. Trans ORS 40; Las Vegas, NV, 508
  22. Tsao SH, Lin BJ, Chao PG (2014) Lipid Rafts Mediates Electric Field-induced Directional Migration, ASCB Annual Meeting; Philadelphia, PA.
  23. Chao PG (2014). Lipid Rafts Mediate Electric Field-directed Cell Migration, GCBME/APCMBE; Tainan, Taiwan.
  24. Chao PG (2014). Microcrimped Electrospun Fiber for Ligament Tissue Engineering, ISOMRM; Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  25. Chao PG (2014). Micro-composite Substrates for the Study of Cell-Matrix Mechanical Interactions, WCB; Boston, MA (Invited Talk).
  26. Wen SM, Chao PG (2014). Interaction of Mechanical Stretch and Cell Morphology on Actin Organization and Nuclear Shape, WCB; Boston, MA.
  27. Hsu HY, Tseng HY, Chao PG (2014). Synergistic Effects of Wavy Fiber Morphology and Dynamic Mechanical Loading on Ligament Fibroblasts, IWMM; Hong Kong.
  28. Chang J, Tseng H, Chao PG (2014). Ligament Tissue Engineering with Wavy Electrospun PLLA Fibers, Trans ORS 39; New Orleans, LA, in press.
  29. Driscoll TP, Chang J, Keyes T, Hast WH, Heo SJ, Mauck RL, Chao PG (2014). Engineered Fiber Crimp Alters Scaffold Mechanics, Cell Shape, and Strain Transfer to the Nucleus, Trans ORS 39; New Orleans, LA, in press.
  30. Chiu Y, Hsu Y, Tsui C, Lin J, Chao PG, Wang J (2014). Type II Collagenase Injection Simulated Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Process Both Biochemically and Biomechanically, Trans ORS 39; New Orleans, LA, in press.
  31. Hsu Y, Chiu Y, Tsui C, Chao PG, Wang J (2014). Rheological Changes of Intervertebral Disc after Glycation and Enzymatic Digestion, Trans ORS 39; New Orleans, LA, in press.
  32. Chao PG (2014) Role of Lipid Rafts in Electric Field-induced Directional Migration. 2014 CMBE Conference, La Jolla, CA (Rising Star Presentation).
  33. Chao PG (2014) Role of Lipid Rafts in Electric Field-induced Directional Migration. 2014 CMBE Conference, La Jolla, CA (Rising Star Presentation).
  34. Wen SM, Chao PG (2013). Interactions between Cell and Nuclear Morphology and Mechanical Stretch. EAC-BME 2013, Taipei, Taiwan.
  35. Tseng HY, Chao PG (2013). Effects of Sacrificial Fibers on PLLA Fiber Crimp. Trans Orthopaedic Research Society 38; San Antonio, TX, 452.
  36. Lin BJ, Chao PG (2013). Electric Field-induced Lipid Raft Polarization Guide Fibroblast Directional Migration. Trans Orthopaedic Research Society 38; San Antonio, TX, 588.
  37. Tseng HY, Hsu HY, Chao PG (2013). Effects of 3D Wavy Fiber Structure on Ligament Fibroblast Morphology and Gene Expression with Tensile Loading. Trans ORS 38; San Antonio, TX, 450.
  38. Sung CH, Chao PG (2013). Effects of Wavy Microgroove Structure on Ligament Fibroblast Cell and Nuclear Morphology. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference; Sunriver, OR.
  39. Wen SM, Chao PG (2013). Spatial Actin Structure does not Correlate with Nuclear Organization. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference; Sunriver, OR.
  40. Cheng YC, Tsai CH, Chao PG (2012). α2β1 Integrin Mediates Electric Field-Induced Directed Ligament Fibroblast Migration via RhoA, Trans ORS 37; San Francisco, CA, 38.
  41. Wen SM, Tan AR, Hung, CT, Chao PG (2012). Chondrocyte Migration is Modulated by Osmotic Environment, Trans ORS 37; San Francisco, CA, 1825.
  42. Shen SC, Chang WR, Chao PG (2012). Cell-type Specific Migration Response to Substrate Thickness/Stiffness Gradient, Trans ORS 37; San Francisco, CA, 1625.
  43. Hsu HY, Liu CY, Chao PG (2012). Electrospun Wavy Fibers Modulate Loading-Induced Cell Alignment, Trans ORS 37; San Francisco, CA, 637.
  44. Cheng YC, Feng CH, Chao PG (2012). Substrate Thickness Modulates Electric Field-induced Ligament Fibroblast Migration, Trans ORS 37; San Francisco, CA, 636.
  45. Cheng YC, Chao PG (2011). A Model for Ligament Fibroblast Migration Into Provisional Matrix; 2011 ASME Bioengineering Summer Conference; Farmington, PA, 53858.
  46. Chang WR, Chao PG (2011). Effects Of Composite Substrate Microstructure On Fibroblast Morphology and Migration; 2011 ASME Bioengineering Summer Conference; Farmington, PA, 53859.
  47. Feng CH, Yu SF, Shen SC, Chao PG (2011) Effects of 2D and 3D Collagen Fiber Orientation on Ligament Fibroblast Migration; Trans ORS 36; Long Beach, CA.
  48. Tsai CH, Hsu HY, Chao PG (2011) Electrical Stimulation Waveforms from Physical Therapy Stimulate ACL Fibroblast Migration; Trans ORS 36; Long Beach, CA.
  49. Liu CY, Chang WR, Tsai WB, and Chao PG (2010) Effect of Solvent on Electrospun PLLA fiber Mechanical Characteristics and Ligament Fibroblast Responses; 2010 Bioengineering Summer Conference; Naples FL, 19339.
  50. Yodmuang S, Chao PG, Wang X, Sun L, Kaplan DL, and Vunjak-Novakovic (2010) Comparison of silk hydrogel and porous scaffolds for cartilage tissue engineering; Trans ORS 35; New Orleans, LA.
  51. Yu S, Cheng Y, Liao C, Chu S, and Chao PG (2010) Ligament fibroblast migration on native matrices with applied DC electric field; Trans ORS 35; New Orleans, LA.
  52. Liao C, Zhuo Z, Yu J, Chao PG, and Chu S (2010) In situ observation of collagen thermal denaturation by second harmonic generation microscopy; SPIE Photonics West , San Francisco, USA.
  53. Chu Y, Yu S, and Chao PG (2009) Corneal epithelial cells preferentially migrate on basement membrane, BMES 2009 Annual Symposium; Taipei, Taiwan.
  54. Lima EG, Chao PG, Ateshian G, Cook JL, Bal BS, Vunjak-Novakovic G, and Hung CT (2009). Porous tantalum metal outperforms devitalized bone as a substrate for osteochondral tissue engineering; Trans ORS 34; Las Vegas, NV.
  55. Chao PG, Yodmuang S, Grayson WL, Lima EG, Hung CT, Vunjak-Novakovic G (2008) Inhibition of Cartilage Formation by Decellularized Bone: Possible Mechanisms; Trans ORS 32; San Francisco, CA.
  56. Chao PG, Yodmuang S, Wang XQ, Kaplan DL, Vunjak-Novakovic G (2008) Novel Silk Hydrogel for Tissue Engineering of Functional Cartilage; Trans ORS 32; San Francisco, CA. Chao PG, Grayson WL,
  57. Lima EG, Schoeneck N, Vunjak-Novakovic G, Hung CT (2007). Effects of decellularized bone on cartilage development in engineered osteochondral constructs; Keystone Symposium; Snowbird, UT.
  58. Chao PG, Bhumiratana S, Lima EG, Grayson WL, Hung CT, Vunjak-Novakovic G (2007). Increased transport rates in a novel osteochondral bioreactor with simultaneous medium perfusion and dynamic loading; Trans ORS 31; San Diego, CA.
  59. Albro MB, Chao PG, Hung, CT, Ateshian G (2007). Partial volume recovery of chondrocytes upon osmotic loading explained by the cytoplasm’s passive steric exclusion of select solute species. Trans ORS 31; San Diego, CA.
  60. Grayson WL, Bhumiratana S, Chao PG, Vunjak-Novakovic G (2006). Engineering human osteochondral grafts using spatially-controlled multi-parametric stimulation. BMES. Chicago, IL.

C. 專書及專書論文(Books and chapter in Book)

  1. Chao PG (2017). Crimped Electrospun Fibers for Tissue Engineering In: Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering (Ed. Chawla K): Springer, NY, NY.
  2. Chahine NO, Chao PG (2011). Micro and Nanotechnologies on for Tissue Engineering, in Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering: A Review of the Past and Future Trends (Eds. Mauck RL and Burdick JA), Springer, NY, NY.
  3. Grayson W, Chao PG, Marolt D, Radisic M, Cannizzaro C, Figallo E and Vunjak-Novakovic G (2007) Bioreactors for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, in Translational Approaches in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (Eds. Mao et al), Artech House, Norwood, MA.
  4. Tang Z, Chao PG, Tucay A, Takai E, Djukic D, Lind ML, Hung CT, Guo EX, West AC, Osgood R, Yardley JT (2003). XYZ on a chip: Nanoscale fabrication, fluidics, and optics directed toward applications with biology and medicine. In Organic Nanophotonics (Eds. Charra F et al), Kluwer Academics, Netherlands, 127-138.

D. 技術報告及其他(Technological transfer and others)

E. 專利(Patents)