Department of Biomedical Engineering National Taiwan University

Grant Approved

楊台鴻 Tai-Horng Young

Project Collaborating Organization Research Project Title Project Period
MOST 開發以腎小管細胞移植治療角膜內皮細胞損傷之生物相容性薄膜、細胞處理技術與手術器材(重點主題A4)(3/3) 2019/09/01 ~2019/12/31
MOST 幾丁聚醣暨生醫材料基質於人類嗅覺神經上皮再生之應用-人類嗅覺幹細胞之培養與促進嗅覺受器神經元分化之研究 2018/08/01 ~2019/07/31
MOST 導向型幹細胞治療於缺血性疾病之研究-開發具高表現CXCR4的脂肪幹細胞自動生產系統(1/3) 2018/08/01 ~2019/10/31
MOST 開發以腎小管細胞移植治療角膜內皮細胞損傷之生物相容性薄膜、細胞處理技術與手術器材(重點主題A4)(2/3) 2018/05/01 ~2019/04/30
MOST 再生醫學科技發展計畫-整合性膝關節軟骨及半月盤軟骨三維列印之臨床轉譯計畫(2/3) 2018/05/01 ~2019/07/31
MOST Mechanism, improvement and applications of cell fractionation on chitosan 104/08/01~107/07/31
MOST Study on the proliferation, function and mechanisms of anterior cruciate ligament, synovial cells, and chondrocytes on chitosan 104/08/01~107/07/31
MOST The application of biomaterials in the regeneration of olfactory neuroepithelium — a study of olfactory neurospheres culture of rat olfactory stem cells and differentiation of olfactory receptor neurons 104/08/01~107/07/31
MOST Tissue engineering of human salivary gland: Identification, cultivation, and potential application of salivary gland stem cells 103/08/01~105/07/31